When I was nineteen years old, I lived for sex, drugs and a good party. I had it all - good looks, a fast car and a hot girlfriend. Nothing in life was more important.
That was, until I met Ellison James….
Since the moment I first saw her she was a raging bull; tackling me in the mud and throwing out insults as fast as her tongue could form the sound.
She was snarky
She was rude
And she pissed me off like no other woman could.
I lived beside her for a summer and in the three months that I walked by her side...
She opened my eyes
She changed my life
And she made me a better man
That was, until I met Ellison James….
Since the moment I first saw her she was a raging bull; tackling me in the mud and throwing out insults as fast as her tongue could form the sound.
She was snarky
She was rude
And she pissed me off like no other woman could.
I lived beside her for a summer and in the three months that I walked by her side...
She opened my eyes
She changed my life
And she made me a better man
“Fuck! Ellison, that shit hurt!”
“I know it did, that’s why I did it. And you can expect that reaction from me every time you think you’re going to overpower and force me to stay still when I don’t want to!”
“Well, then fine!” I shoved my chest out at her and held my arms out to my sides. “Go ahead and rip them off then, El, because you can expect that I’m going to hold you every day until you stop breathing!”
She looked at me like I was nuts. Her voice was a whisper when she asked, “Why can’t you just go home?”
We stood staring at each other for a few seconds. It was eerily quiet where we stood, almost as if the birds and bugs had stopped to watch, curious to find out what would happen between us.
We locked eyes and I walked up to her. Grabbing her by her chin, I tilted her angry face up in my direction and held on when she tried to pull away.
“I am home. Why can’t you just accept it?”
M.S. Willis is a romance novelist whose debut novel, Control, was released in 2013. Although currently writing in the romance genre, Willis has plans to expand her literary pursuits into multiple genres and has no fear conquering difficult subject matters in her writing. Willis is a native Floridian who is also a photographer and musician. When not absorbing herself in written, visual or musical expression, Willis is an adrenaline junkie, a ‘closet’ video game enthusiast, and an avid outdoors person and nature lover.
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